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I used this ritual after a tough argument with my husband, and the shift in energy was instant. It felt like I was letting go of the tension and felt the anxiety go down almost instantly.
We chatted again after I did the egg cleansing, and it was much easier to get my point across and for him to see it from my side.
Eggs are going to be a new favorite item for me
I had to move to a different city and everything felt off for me. I felt really alone and had trouble sleeping. Then this video popped up and I thought I could try it out.
I used this ritual for me and my rented home, and I felt an instantaneous shift almost. I felt really tired after the cleanse and went to bed straight after. I slept for straight 11 hours - really good deep sleep and woke up refreshed like I've got a new mood and body. Highly recommend!
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